John Berger
With the poetic acuity that renders his work timeless, Booker Prize-winning author John Berger brings us a twenty-four hour chronicle of homelessness. Beside a highway, in a wasteland furnished with smashed trucks and broken washing machines, lives a homeless community of once-hopeful individuals, now abandoned by the twentieth century. King, our narrator, is the guardian of a homeless couple, stealing meat from the butcher and sharing the warmth of his flesh. His canine sensibility affords him both amnesty from human hardship and rare insight into his companions' lives. Through his senses we see--clearly and unsentimentally--the dignity and strength that can survive within chaos and pain.
Les vaches menées à l'abattoir, les cochons qu'on étripe, la neige qui gèle les pieds et le froid qui rougit les mains. À travers les récits de vie des éleveurs de Haute-Savoie, John Berger évoque la réalité humaine la plus âpre, la plus crue. Mais aussi la plus touchante, car ces vies violentes et dérisoires sont celles d'hommes qui chaque jour luttent contre la nature, contre le temps, contre la mort.
" La poche dont il est question est une modeste poche de résistance, de celles qui se forment quand l'accord entre deux personnes au moins les rapproche. Leur résistance se manifeste contre l'inhumanité du nouvel ordre économique mondial. Mais qui sont ces gens ? Le lecteur, moi, l'auteur, et tous ceux dont il est question dans ces essais. Et ce qui est inattendu, c'est que les échanges, qui s'établissent entre nous, renforcent chacun dans la conviction que ce qui se passe dans le monde d'aujourd'hui est mal, et que, le plus souvent, ce qu'on en dit n'est que mensonge.
Je n'ai jamais écrit de livre avec un tel sentiment d'urgence. " John Berger
Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak. But, there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words. It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world. The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled. This is a book on art in various languages.
Set in a small village in the French Alps, "Pig Earth" relates the stories of sceptical, hard-working men and fiercely independent women. This book is an act of reckoning that conveys the precise wealth and weight of a world we are losing.>
John Berger broke new ground with his penetrating writings on life, art and how we see the world around us. Here he explores how the ancient relationship between man and nature has been broken in the modern consumer age, with the animals that used to be at the centre of our existence now marginalized and reduced to spectacle.Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
Bride-to-be Ninon recalls her parents' marriage, her childhood, her first romance, her discovery that she is HIV-positive, and her initial rejection of Gino, her future husband. Reprint.