À propos

How do you cope when facing life-threatening illness, family conflict, faltering relationships, old trauma, obsessive thinking, overwhelming emotion, or inevitable loss? If youre like most people, chances are you react with fear and confusion, falling back on timeworn strategies: anger, self-judgment, and addictive behaviors. Though these old, conditioned attempts to control our life may offer fleeting relief, ultimately they leave us feeling isolated and mired in pain.

There is another way. Beneath the turbulence of our thoughts and emotions exists a profound stillness, a silent awareness capable of limitless love. Tara Brach, author of the award-winning Radical Acceptance, calls this awareness our true refuge, because it is available to every one of us, at any moment, no exceptions. In this book, Brach offers a practical guide to finding our inner sanctuary of peace and wisdom in the midst of difficulty.

Based on a fresh interpretation of the three classic Buddhist gateways to freedom--truth, love, and awareness--True Refuge shows us the way not just to heal our suffering, but also to cultivate our capacity for genuine happiness. Through spiritual teachings, guided meditations, and inspirational stories of people who discovered loving presence during times of great struggle, Brach invites us to connect more deeply with our own inner life, one another, and the world around us.

True Refuge is essential reading for anyone encountering hardship or crisis, anyone dedicated to a path of spiritual awakening. The book reminds us of our own innate intelligence and goodness, making possible an enduring trust in ourselves and our lives. We realize that what we seek is within us, and regardless of circumstances, there is always a way to take refuge in a healing and liberating presence.

Praise for True Refuge

Drawing on the latest findings in neuroscience as well as ten more years of personal experience on the path of awakening, Tara Brachs superb second book brings readers ever more deeply in touch with our true nature. This book is a precious gift, filled with insight, shared from heart to heart.--Thich Nhat Hanh

True Refuge is a magnificent work of heart. For anyone interested in developing a deeper understanding of the mind and how to improve the quality of their life, this book offers unique insights and easily learned practices that literally can transform your lifes path. Read, explore, and enjoy!--Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., author of No-Drama Discipline

  • Auteur(s)

    Tara Brach

  • Éditeur

    Bantam Books

  • Distributeur


  • Date de parution


  • EAN


  • Disponibilité


  • Nombre de pages

    320 Pages

  • Longueur

    21 cm

  • Largeur

    13.8 cm

  • Épaisseur

    1.7 cm

  • Poids

    247 g

  • Support principal

    Grand format

Tara Brach

  • Pays : Etats-unis
  • Langue : Anglais (etats-unis)

Psychologue clinicienne et professeur de méditation depuis plus de 35 ans, Tara Brach est la fondatrice de l'Insight Meditation Community de Washington. Après avoir vécu dix ans dans un ashram et étudié auprès de Jack Kornfield, elle a analysé les effets de la méditation sur le sevrage aux addictions. Elle vit en Virginie avec son fils et son mari.
